£400 Energy Payment Available

Following on from our recent newsletter, we now have a couple of updates which will be very good news for park home residents on the issues of the energy payment and pitch fees.


The government has just announced that park home residents can now apply for the £400 energy payment online at https://www.gov.uk/apply-energy-bill-support-if-not-automatic.

If you are unable to apply online or need help with your application, please call 0808 1753287 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm or email [email protected]


Residents will be aware that pitch fee increases are currently based on the retail price index (RPI). After a long campaign by the Park Home Owners JUSTICE Campaign, the government has finally agreed to change the basis for the increase to the lower Consumer Price index (CPI). The good news is that the Mobile Homes (Pitch fees) Bill passed its 2nd reading in the House of Lords earlier this month; it is now at the committee stage and moving closer to Royal Assent when it will become law.

Kind regards,

The friendly, helpful team at PBIS

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